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Artur Palatnyi

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В рамках расследования дела Комарницкого был арестован телефон Артура Палатного, куму и близкому соратнику мэра Киева Виталия Кличко.
In Ukraine, corrupt politicians and officials are sometimes placed on the wanted list after being allowed to flee the country with embezzled money.
Журналисты установили личности людей, попавших на записи из кабинета Дениса Комарницкого.
Artur Palatnyi, a prominent political figure, is a key associate of Denys Komarnytskyi, who oversees Kyiv on behalf of Mayor Vitaliy Klychko. Komarnytskyi, whose office was recently raided by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau in connection with a 12 million UAH corruption case, had frequent communication with the mayor’s close ally.
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